Friday, March 27, 2020

Organic Chemistry Basics - Do You Need To Learn About This?

Organic Chemistry Basics - Do You Need To Learn About This?If you're looking for a way to improve your grades, you'll definitely want to look into organic chemistry basics. You might not be able to go out and immediately become a chemist, but you can learn the fundamentals of this subject and develop a better understanding of how science works in your life. Organic chemistry is one of the most popular subjects for high school students today, and you can definitely become an expert when it comes to this field.One of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of this subject is to take chemistry classes. You might have never taken any chemical or physical science classes before, but you need to make sure that you gain an appreciation for science as soon as possible. There are many things that you can learn about the world around you with a simple course in this area.A good start to your organic chemistry courses would be to learn about the fundamental concepts of the elements. You need t o understand the elements in your life, including the basis of each and what they are used for. You can also find this information at a good textbook store or online.At first, you might find that the basic material is a little tough to grasp, but once you get a better grasp of the elements, you'll be well on your way to becoming an expert. There are plenty of other subjects available in this area, but you might consider chemistry as one of the core sciences for a person who is going to go on to study engineering. Being able to understand the principles behind everything will give you a head start, and this is probably the best place to start. Once you've learned all of the major fundamentals of chemistry, you can then start studying more in depth.You may think that studying chemistry is difficult but there are many guides available for you that show you how to study effectively. There are a number of places that offer free online courses to help you learn the fundamentals of the sub ject. These can include short courses that are designed to help you build your knowledge base in a specific area.Of course, you'll need to understand a number of technical terms to be able to get started. For example, the area of chemistry consists of three major sub-areas. They are chemical, physical, and biological. If you are interested in a specific area, you can take a class that focuses on that particular area.Learning about organic chemistry can really benefit you when it comes to becoming a successful person. It will prepare you for the new world of technology that you'll be facing when you graduate high school. This will also prepare you for a career in some kind of scientific field.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Writing Exercise Christmas Edition

English Writing Exercise Christmas Edition One of my favorite ways to test students ability to express themselves in English is to ask them to tell a story based on photos or a short video clip. Another way to do this is have them write the story that goes with the photos or video.Here is a funny scene from the Christmas classic National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. See if you can tell the story of what happens in the video. There are also a few listening questions below the video. Enjoy! If youre interested, were offering special Christmas pricing until December 25. Click here to learn more.I told you, you have ____ ____ plugs __ ___ outlet.Lets __ __ and finish our dessert.If ___ ____ had 9 lives, he just ___ ___ all.If you ____ ____ Clark, Id like to see if I can fumigate this here chair.

Get Ahead - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Get Ahead - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Get AheadInfinitive form: Get AheadPresent Tense: Get Ahead/ Gets Aheading form: Getting AheadPast tense: Got AheadPast Participle: Gotten Ahead/ Got AheadGet Ahead is an inseparable English phrasal verb. It can be used in the following way:When you become successful in the professional environment and make good consistent progress in your life1.  Some people get ahead by mischievous ways while others really work hard for it.2. They say that time does not matter in getting ahead. What matters is you are consistent in your efforts to succeed and rarely stay down for too long. You want to win the game of life slowly but surely.Exercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.iframe width=560 height=315 src=// frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframeFill in the gaps from the video above:No wonder you ___ _____.Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Get Ahead.1. What is your secret in _____ ____ so fast?2. ______ ______ is part of the plan, but it shouldnt be the main plan, since there are other important things too.3. Amanda _____ ____ by working diligently everyday without faltering.4. To ____ ____ in advertising means to have an edge and be smart about how you do business.5. Sure, you _____ ____last time, but this time, its my turn.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 reasons why you should teach in China

5 reasons why you should teach in China China isn’t just home to the world’s oldest civilization, with a rich cultural heritage (and delicious food). It’s also a great location for new and experienced teachers alike looking to teach English abroad. As the fastest growing market for teachers abroad right now, with an estimated 300 million students learning English, it’s not hard to see why China remains the holy grail for licensed teachers and ESL teachers the world over. So, why the massive growth in the Chinese ESL industry? As China’s economy continues to grow exponentially and trade with other countries increases, the number of Chinese people looking to learn English - the international language of business - shows no sign of slowing down. English language learners in China are also getting younger by the year, as Chinese parents increasingly realize that the ability to speak English fluently can offer their children a better chance of acceptance into universities overseas and a well-paid job in the future. Recent estimates show an additional 100,000 teachers are needed in China right now - meaning there are more teaching jobs in China than qualified teachers. Without further ado, let’s quickly cover five reasons why China should be at the top of your list of countries to teach abroad. China is set to be a powerful influence in the global marketplace. While having international teaching experience, in general, can benefit your resume, it’s an undeniable fact that over the past few decades, China has risen to be a global power player. This means that having Chinese work experience on your resume can give you a competitive edge in the global job market. Teaching in China also gives you a chance to immerse yourself in one of the most universally useful world languages - Mandarin language lessons are often subsidized by teaching programs in China. There are plenty of big-city options for teachers abroad. English teachers, whether newly graduated or experienced, are in high demand in China. At Teach Away, we regularly recruit for teaching positions in various cities across China. It’s truly a teacher’s market - some of the world's most rapidly evolving and cosmopolitan cities are in China. You could opt for a teaching job in the bustling capital, Beijing, Suzhou, with its vibrant expat community, coastal Shanghai or tropical Guangzhou. Check out our guide to teaching locations in China for more on these great cities. The cost of living is cheap. The average cost of living in China is much lower than many western countries. The low living costs, in combination with special expat tax rates, means teachers in China can enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle, travel on weekends or holidays and still set savings aside for the future. Teachers get great pay and benefits. Chinese teaching programs are keen to recruit teachers abroad - and it shows in the compensation packages offered to expat teachers. Not only are teaching salaries steadily on the rise in China (full-time teachers can command anywhere from $2,100 - 2,800 USD each month) many schools offer extra perks like free flights, housing, vacation, bonuses and health insurance. The travel opportunities are endless. It’s no big secret that China is one of the world’s most fascinating countries, boasting the second highest number of UNESCO heritage sites in the world. Not only can you experience China’s rich culture and traditions first hand - Asia happens to be a massive, diverse place with the widest range of travel options in the world, so it’s worth keeping an eye on cheap flights and airfare deals! Looking to kick start your job hunt? Check out our site for the latest teaching jobs in China and get applying today!

Its Good to Be Popular! 7 of the Worlds Most Studied Languages

Its Good to Be Popular! 7 of the Worlds Most Studied Languages Its Good to Be Popular! 7 of the Worlds Most Studied Languages You loved that band before they hit it big.You were a regular at that bar before the hipsters found it.Yeah, yeah.Its great to be ahead of the curve.But sometimes going mainstream is underrated.Take language learning. While it can be very rewarding to study lesser known languages, there are also definite benefits to jumping on a big ol bandwagon.Not convinced?Well, sit back, take a sip of that kombucha you knew about before Whole Foods started carrying it, and well walk you through seven of the worlds most studied languages and what makes them so valuable for their many students. How Do Some Languages Get So Popular?There’s a correlation between a language’s popularity and the number of countries where its spoken. It makes perfect senseâ€"the more widespread a language is, the more potential opportunities it offers to language learners.Then there are languages that offer specific advantages to their speakers. For example, some languages can open up career opportunities or broad en your professional connections across the global economy. Others are great for travel and become favorites of anyone with wanderlust. Some are needed for educational requirements or just personal goals (crossing items off a bucket list is always a plus!).Its Good to Be Popular! 7 of the Worlds Most Studied LanguagesIf one of these languages interests you, immersive learning (surrounding yourself with the written and spoken language) is the fastest way to join its community of students. Of course, if you arent currently located in an area where its spoken, immersions a lot harder to achieve.  FluentU  is a great way to mimic the immersion experience no matter where you areâ€"it offers authentic videos like movie trailers, music videos, inspiring talks and more.Each video comes with interactive captions, flashcards and exercises, so you’re  actively building your vocabulary while you absorb the native sounds of the language. FluentU also keeps track of your learning and suggests m ore videos that’ll suit your level and goals. Better yet, you can take this personalized and immersive language practice anywhere  with the FluentU mobile app.FluentU has programs for the popular languages that we’ll cover below, including Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Italian  and English, among others.Throughout this post, well be using  statistics about language study and speaker populations from this  Washington Post article, unless indicated otherwise.FrenchNumber of learners: 82 millionFrench is the only language other than English that’s spoken on five continents! Total, more than 220  million people speak French, making it the sixth most widely spoken language in the world.Many language learners are interested in French because its a smart investment.  French is one of the fastest growing languages in the world, with 750 million people expected to speak it by 2050.According to the  Financial Times, French is also one of the languages thats in dem and among businesses in the U.K., so this is a great option if youre located there and want to expand your professional opportunities without moving.Fun fact: When the French Revolution took place, not all French citizens spoke the nations mother tongue. In fact, 75 percent spoke something other than French. And until the 1800s  people in Holland and Germany spoke more French than people living in some parts of France did. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? But the language made up for all that, with French speakers tripling since 1945.The surge in popularity looks poised for even further expansion!ChineseNumber of learners: 30 million16 percent of the global populationâ€"or 1.39 billion peopleâ€"speak Chinese as a native or additional language. It’s no wonder that numbers so high, considering China is the most populous nation in existence, with more than 1.3 billion citizens.Chinese has a reputation as being difficult for English speakers to learn, but that may be a misconception. Becau se Chinese has no verb tenses and no gender rules to memorize, among other elements, its actually a great option if you want to learn a new language without tearing your hair out over grammar.You probably wont be surprised that Chinese also carries significant potential in the business world. (Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, is a Chinese language learner!) China is home to one of the world’s oldest continuous cultures, yet its jettisoned itself into position as a global economic powerhouse. The Great Wall is the backdrop to newly-emerging business opportunities.Fun fact:  There are over 50,000 written Chinese characters! When I was in China I spent a lot of time admiring the characters and photographing them. I didn’t understand a word but they were still highly intriguing.SpanishNumber of learners: 14.5 millionThere are  389 million total Spanish speakers. Spanish is the official language of 21 nations.But you dont need to be located in Spain or Latin America for the lang uage to be useful to you. Did you know the U.S. actually has more Spanish speakers than Spain doesâ€"and is projected to be the country with the most Spanish speakers anywhere by the year 2050?These facts make Spanish an especially popular language for residents of the U.S. looking for employment opportunities or those who just  want to be able to communicate with more of their neighbors.But how about if you want to expand your communication abilities beyond physical boundaries?  Spanish is the third most widely used language on the internet behind English and Chinese!Many English speakers also choose Spanish because its considered one of the less difficult or time consuming to learn. The FSI (Foreign Service Institute) ranks it as a Category 1 languageâ€"easy to learn with only 600 hours of study time needed to achieve proficiency.Fun fact:  It’s helpful to know that Spanish is called both Español (Spanish) and  Castellano (Castilian). A language that needs two names? Definitely noteworthy!GermanNumber of speakers:  14.5 millionThere are  132 million native German speakers and 95 percent of Germany’s population speaks German as their  first language.Many business sectors involve German companies. BMW, Adidas, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz, among others, are German-owned so people whore thinking of working for some of these economic biggies often consider the language behind the companies to be useful.German is also a vocabulary-lover’s dream! There are several amazingly long words in the languageâ€"they’re probably not easily pronounced by beginning learners but are loads of fun to learn, regardless.Fun fact:  Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften (an insurance company providing legal protection) is considered Germans longest word, even though its not actually in the dictionary. Let’s just hope we never get that one on a spelling test!ItalianNumber of learners: 8 millionItalian has 67 million total speakers.  Italy’s thriving economy and its pla ce as a solid market for U.S. exports make this beautiful language a contender among internationally-minded learners as well as academics and culture-lovers.We all realize that Italys famous for its art and culture. Thats been the case since the Roman Empire. But present-day Italy melds both the old-world treasures (Michelangelo, anyone?) with economic openings that anyone with a working fluency of the language could find life-changing.Fun fact:  If you’re wondering how this language spread across Italy and Europe, wonder no more. Dante’s famous “Divine Comedy” is widely credited for the spread of the Italian language. Today, 15 percent of the Italian words in use can be traced back to the man some consider the father of the Italian language.JapaneseNumber of speakers: 3 millionAcross the world, 123 million people speak Japanese as a native or additional language.There are many factors that motivate learners to undertake Japanese. Some reasons are fairly basic, and range fro m employment opportunities to educational exchange programsâ€"popular organizations like the JET Programme  make it possible for English speakers to live and work within Japanese communities while improving their language skills.Another motivation that fuels many language learners is the desire to understand Japanese anime in its original language.Fun fact:  There are two major dialects of this melodic language, Eastern Japanese and Western Japanese.EnglishNumber of learners: 1.5 billionEnglish is the most-studied language. Its the only language that tallies more than a billion students.Across the globe, more than 520 million speak English as a native or additional language, and it’s the official language of more than 50 countries.It’s no surprise that English is so popular or heavily studied. In many nations, global contentâ€"think news, politics and entertainmentâ€"is often initially reported in English. And since its one of the worlds most widely spoken languages, it facilita tes global communicationâ€"even in countries where it isn’t necessarily the official language.Numerous international organizations and companies use English as the language of choice when conducting business, so English speakers have a leg up in many employment situations. English is one of the working languages of the United Nations and is the  official language of the World Bank.Fun fact: As a speaker of English, you can amuse your friends with the popular pangram (a sentence that uses every letter of the alphabet), “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Say that three times, fast!So there you have it, a breakdown of the world’s most studied languages. As you can clearly see, languages become widely studied for many reasons.Now that all the facts are laid out, are you ready to become one of millions of language learners? Are you ready to add one of these popular languages to your repertoire?You can’t go wrong choosing a language from this list. And you’ve got e verything to gain and nothing to loseâ€"so why not go for it? Good luck!

Winter Solstice Math Puzzle

Winter Solstice Math Puzzle Today, December 21, is not only the shortest day of the year â€" Winter Solstice â€" but also Crossword Puzzle Day. As a twist I have a cross-math puzzle consisting of numbers, penguins, balloons, bows and minions. Here is a hint about the first line: One minion with 4 balloons is 8. That is one minion counts for 4 while each balloon counts for 1.

5 Tips for Creating a Resume to Teach Abroad

5 Tips for Creating a Resume to Teach Abroad By Ciara HamagishiSo you want to teach abroad?   You have researched your dream countries, read blogs, and you feel ready to jump on a plane and begin your adventure.   That’s great news, and it will likely be one of the most memorable experiences of your teaching career.   But how do you get from your hometown classroom to your new classroom in Abu Dhabi, Japan or Brazil?The first step is finding your way in and proving to someone that you are ready, willing and capable.   It’s time to fix up that resume.   Here are five tips on creating a great resume that shows how ready you are to teach abroad:Focus on quality, not quantity.   Two pages maximum, please.   Focus on key points that are relevant to teaching abroad and the position that you are applying for.   You don’t need to explain everything in your resume. Highlight important information in detail, and simply list (or leave out) other experiences.Make it easy to scan.   Recruiters cannot spend a half hour reading over you r resume and your whole life story.   Your resume will be scanned briefly to look for key points.   Highlight what is listed in the job requirements, and make important information easy for a recruiter to spot at the top.Clearly outline your education, years of certified teaching experience, and your teaching certifications.   These are the first three things that international schools look for in a candidate, and you want to make it clear that you meet the requirements.Highlight international experiences.   If you speak another language or have lived abroad, let us know.   If your current or previous classroom was mainly ELL students or you are trained to teach ELL students, you should share this.Keep it simple.   There is no need for creative fonts, colors or excessive pictures.   It should be easy to read and professional.   A simple, clean resume will not lose you any points, but a resume that becomes difficult to read can frustrate a recruiter.Read over your resume and see if t here is anything that can be improved based on the tips above.   Ask a friend or family member to read it over as well.   When everything looks good, it’s time to press Submit on your application.   Good luck!Ciara Hamagishi is a Teach Away Placement Coordinator.

Cro3 Organic Chemistry Course

Cro3 Organic Chemistry CourseThe Cro3 Organic Chemistry Course is aimed at helping students understand the key scientific concepts, methods and applications. The online classroom will provide the learning materials for the course. The classroom resources will help to present and explain many of the concepts taught by the instructor. Students will also have access to interactive content so that they can work as part of a group, or to work independently.This is a college course. It is intended to be completed in as little as two years for entry level positions in colleges and universities. This course is not intended for those who have finished a higher education program. The courses are required by some colleges and universities.The course can be taken either through a computer or a modem-based education. There are no books to buy, so students will not need to have the type of internet connection available that would allow them to download the textbook material to read at home.The cur riculum includes hands-on activities, lecture lessons, multimedia presentations, discussion forums, personal development resources, and supplemental materials. These are covered by the online classroom and as the student progresses through the course, he or she will receive more lessons and activities. There is no language barrier.In the first semester, students will learn the basic concepts of organic chemistry with topics such as gas equilibrium, the reduction of substances by acids and bases, and the effect of atomic numbers on the oxidation of metals. They will learn the process of identifying a common element as well as some of the properties of elements. They will learn how to convert one substance into another and will examine methods of separating and purifying elements.They will study reactions using chloride of hydrogen and chlorine as well as the conditions under which these reactions take place. They will learn about the existence of elements and the importance of the el ements to life on earth. They will study the effects of the elements on various types of compounds and how that affects the properties of a compound.The class can be taken during the school year or the summer. The semester is divided into four quarters and one quarter consists of four months.

What Does My Mastering Chemistry Course Does?

What Does My Mastering Chemistry Course Does?My mastering chemistry program is an online physics course that has helped me to understand everything from the lightest chemical reaction to the most extreme environment. Once I started this course, I gained more confidence in my abilities and became more curious about science as a whole. This course helped me become motivated and asked some challenging questions, but I am also convinced that these questions motivated me to do my best and excel in this field.There are many websites on the Internet that offer you useful information on the topic of physics. Some of them can be a useful resource, but most of them just waste your time. My mastering chemistry program was different because it focused on the practical application of the theories in the practical world. The process of mastering chemistry does not mean that you will become a chemist, but it could improve your abilities to do something more interesting and valuable.Mastering chemis try is about the practical application of theoretical theories and concepts. In this program, you will learn basic and advanced chemical concepts and learn how to apply them to practical situations. The best part of this course is that it was designed by a chemist, so everything in the course is based on real life situations.Mastering chemistry starts with the basics. You will learn about light, heat, molecules, and atoms. The course is made up of three parts, each one focusing on a different concept. Part one is about light, which gives you an overview of the concept of light.Part two focuses on molecules and is where you learn about the elements and the bonds between them. Finally, the last part of the course, Part three, focuses on atoms and how they work together to form compounds. The course uses mathematical principles and use some practical examples to explain the theories. As you move forward, you will gain more confidence, get better at understanding complex ideas, and find ways to apply these concepts in your daily life.If you want to apply the theory to real life situations, you can take my master's degree course in chemical concepts. It is designed for chemistry students who have completed my course but are interested in continuing the studies. You can choose from a few more subjects like organic chemistry, organic processing, chemical composition, chemical processes, and materials science.No matter what you want to learn about, you will be able to learn it here. My mastering chemistry program will guide you to new levels of understanding and motivate you to learn. It is about the practical application of chemistry in the real world. So whatever your interest is, whether it is biology, chemistry, physics, you will be able to learn it in my course.

Friday, February 7, 2020

How to Get a Masters in Business Administration Degree From a Community College or a Four-Year Institution

How to Get a Master's in Business Administration Degree From a Community College or a Four-Year InstitutionThere are a variety of ways to get started with a Master's of Business Administration degree. While most students concentrate on their majors, the community college or the four-year institution, each is a great option for those who want to earn a Bachelor's degree while working their full-time jobs.Many students decide to earn a Bachelor's degree after a thorough job search. Many people opt to earn a bachelor's degree in business to become a business management professional or an executive. This option has become more viable since the recession because of the job growth in the community college.A Master's degree, however, can have two purposes. For a student, a Masters degree provides the additional preparation to become a successful business professional. Some employers require a bachelor's degree in order to become eligible for certain positions.When students complete their Ma ster's degree, they have a solid base for working toward a master's degree in business administration. If they plan to become a management consultant, they can double their education by earning an MBA. Business is a relatively new field with plenty of vacancies, so pursuing a degree in the field is worth it.A Bachelor's degree is a great degree to learn the skills necessary to become a successful businessman. More job openings will be available in the near future and if you're a high school senior or a college student, you can earn your Masters in Business Administration with some of the best business schools in the country. All of these schools provide high-quality programs, so students can easily work toward a master's degree. Students will be able to gain hands-on experience and get hands-on training while earning their Bachelor's degree in business.When students decide to earn a Masters degree, they usually do so to make a career change. The Master's degree will enable students to move into the business world from within and change careers at a young age. This can be a great way to get the hands-on training that will help you succeed in your new career.While you can earn a Master's degree through the community college or a four-year college, getting a bachelor's degree through a college is more efficient. Online programs are also very popular because the student will be able to work on their degree at any time.